Softball Party -- It's Over!

So softball is finally done..... loved it while it was here, but I think we are ALL ready for a little R & R on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday nights. It's been a busy, somewhat chaotic 3 months but Jonathan & I are both so happy that the girls found something they really enjoy doing. Madison had her end of season party & awards the other day at one of the girl's houses. The girls swam and played for 3 hours! Maddie was a little sad that it was all over..... she had great coaches -- full of praise and encouragement -- and I know that she'll miss them this summer. Here she is with her new trophy.......

All the girls and the coaches got to sign everyone's trophy

Madison made some really good friends this season, too

And here they are getting the bright idea to throw Coach Adams in the pool...



Anna Lynn and Madison -- BBFF

Maddie saying thank you and goodbye to her coach

What a great season...... what a growing and learning experience for Maddie -- Mommy & Daddy are REALLY proud of you, baby!
