Home from Camp...

I'm happy to report this continued to be a very good week. Not a whole lot of fighting from Macy & Jacob..... Madison was off having fun at camp not being "annoyed" by her little sister & brother.... I got some projects done..... closets cleaned out..... drawers cleaned out..... kids' rooms mostly clean.... I stuck with my lifting weights and the elliptical every day (and it's a good thing too because I ate like crazy this weekend!).... and best of all, I actually had time to really listen to my new Dave Matthews CD.

I cannot tell you how much pleasure that brought to my week. REAL MUSIC. It's been far too long. I sort of looked like a teenager walking around with my ipod all week...... I played it on the stereo too, but my family would usually protest and I'd resort to the ipod again. So eclectic & soulful & funky.... it just makes you want to get your groove on..... or better yet.... run your fanny off! So to all of you reading this that are trying diligently to lose a few lbs for those bikinis -- go buy it! You won't be disappointed.

Alright, back to the post.... so we went as a family Friday morning, bright and early, to Columbiana to pick Madison up from camp. We all couldn't wait to see her and hear all about her week. When we got there, the campus was just beautiful and they were about to do a presentation with all the campers in the chapel. When we were finally able to give her a big hug, she seemed so tired but happy nonetheless. She said she had a great time but was completely worn out.

After we picked Maddie up, we all headed to Birmingham for some lunch and shopping..... Cheesecake Factory won out this time. Yeaaaa for Mommy! After Birmingham we headed for Decatur to visit Jonathan's parents and drop the kids off for the next 5 days....YES! 5 whole days.... maybe that's another reason I had such a good week. It's been a very long time since JP and I have had the house to ourselves for a few days, or maybe I should say... we've NEVER had the house to ourselves for that long! I love my kids just like we all do, but there is something really exciting about a few days alone.... just to be a grown up.... it's like we are dating again.

Jacob & Macy waiting at camp to go hug their sissy for the first time

The Chapel at camp

Seeing Daddy for the first time

Emily, Madison & Macy at the presentation before we left camp

Lindsay & Madison -- her favorite camp counselor

Yum! Yum! Cheesecake Factory.... just my Adam's Peanut Butter Fudge Ripple Cheesecake had 1367 calories..... then you add up my appetizer and meal and well.... I guess it's a good thing I've been pumping iron lately.... sho was good going down though!

They must have gone up to the window 12 times before
they decided on which kind of cheesecake to order!

In Decatur.... Happy Father's Day Papa Scott

And we're off! 5 days alone...... YIPPEE!!!
